ONVZ - Comprehensive Cross-Channel Payments Via Mobile App
ONVZ is a non-profit health insurer based in the Netherlands that has covered medical expenses for 80 years. Their main goal is to provide people with the best possible assistance in finding the care they need.
Business Need
Comprehensive Cross-Channel Payments Via Mobile App
Insurers must compete for their customers all the time, not only on price and conditions but also on customer experience. Payment interactions play a big part in that experience. Minimizing payment barriers also help manage cost: how much time and attention must the organization spend on collecting and processing payments? How much can be done digitally, automated, and smarter?
Like many insurers, ONVZ works with Serrala for every payment that does not happen automatically with Direct Debit or card. Premiums, deductibles, failed Direct Debits, reminders: ONVZ reaches and serves customers with payment requests enabling fast, easy, and secure payment with iDEAL, the prominent online payment method in the Netherlands. But the concept has proven to work in other countries and with other online payment methods, as well. These individual payments happen more often than one might think: many customers want or have to choose on a monthly basis, exactly which bills to pay and when. There is a certain percentage of Direct Debits failing, canceled, or reversed every month.
Every Channel a Payment Channel
ONVZ sends payment requests by email – a channel that almost everyone uses and checks every day on their smartphone, tablet, or laptop. But ONVZ also offers their own channel for customer interactions: They have an online client portal and an app for mobile devices. After authentication, customers can use these channels to see and change their details, submit claims, view bills, and pay – with the same online payment experience as per email. Moreover, wherever a customer chooses to pay, the payment request will immediately change its status to Paid in every channel. The process is consistent, clear, and eliminates double payments, all implemented quickly and neatly with just a few API calls. Payments made through our payment requests will always have the right amount and reference number, streamlining cash application in the back office. No more exceptions to deal with.
Digital Reminder
Delivering payment requests through the app brings yet another benefit: Mobile apps support push notifications, which can warn the customer when a bill arrives and/or is almost due. Notifications on smartphones might get annoying if they are about things that are not important. But an insurer (or another household biller) reminding you of something you really need to do – that is actually a great service. In addition, the service means less preventable collection effort for ONVZ. A win-win for insurer and customer.
Choice, convenience, clarity, security, quality, and excellent service: All of these are qualities that ONVZ holds dear. This also applies for that crucial part of every customer relationship – the payment process. From a distance it does not seem complicated – you see online payments in lots of places including client portals. But to tie it all together, from source (ERP) system to the customer and back, across channels, with automated processes and real-time status updates, can be quite challenging. ONVZ deliberately choose the tooling and expertise of the market leader in payment requests to manage the process. So that this healthcare insurer can focus on what it does best: Care.
Read more about our customer friendly Bill Presentment, Payment & Collections solution to learn how it can help you too.