thyssenkrupp AG
Efficient IT Infrastructure with SAP S/4HANA-Integrated FS² Solutions
The corporation thyssenkrupp AG is a major diversified company with a strong focus on steel production. The business is divided into almost 500 subsidiaries worldwide.
The British magazine Treasury Today published a case study about the project thyssenkrupp AG in which the global player achieved key benefits for its company-wide finance and treasury with the help of Serrala's (formerly Hanse Orga Group) solutions for Payments, Cash Application, eBAM and account statements to name but a few. The solutions FS², which are fully SAP S/4HANA, support thyssenkrupp in:
- Leveraging existing investments thanks to full integration in SAP S/4HANA
- Achieving faster processes, less manual tasks
- Automating the processing of bank statements, advices, lockboxes
- Realizing a central and compliant administration of bank accounts and signatories
- Integrating bank communication directly within SAP S/4HANA
- Implementing a global payment factory
For further details, please read on in the thyssenkrupp success story.
In 2018, thyssenkrupp was honored by the Adam Smith Award: Highly Commended in the category Best Risk Management Solution.