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Invoice processing with automated invoice capture software

AI-powered invoice capture in the cloud


AI-powered Invoice Capture is Your Best-Choice for Touchless Accounts Payable Processing

Benefit from Automated Invoice Capture in the Cloud 

Invoice data capture is an essential part of AP automation. Today, vendor invoices are captured manually or using inefficient scan and extraction solutions that digitize the invoice information so it can be entered into an ERP system for further processing. However, this time consuming and error prone process relies on Optical Character Recognition (OCR) and other outdated capture methods that do not take advantage of the latest advances in digital document formats or intelligent automation and machine learning. 

The AI-powered invoice capture software from Serrala represents a revolution in capture technology. It uses intelligent document processing (IDP) to eliminate the labor-intensive task of capturing vendor invoices. IDP accurately captures invoices in multiple formats (Paper, Email, PDF, EDI, XML, and more) in the cloud using a combination of machine learning (ML), deep learning, computer vision (including OCR/ ICR) and natural language technologies (NLT). This cutting-edge technology views and interprets information like a human would, quickly categorizing and extracting data from structured and unstructured documents. It is your best-in-class choice for automated invoice capture, providing accounts payable teams extremely accurate invoice data to fuel process automation and enable touchless processing. 

Our cloud-based invoice capture software enables you to: 

  • Centralize the capture of vendor invoices, in all languages and currencies, across all business units, locales, and ERP systems 
  • Accelerate invoice capture with a highly accurate, AI-powered, self-learning solution 
  • Scale to process extremely large volumes of invoices or onboard new businesses  
  • Lower IT cost and complexity, with a digital solution that reduces your need for physical scanners or multi-functional devices  
  • Streamline your business processes and ease your to transition to the Cloud 
  • Process invoices touchlessly with high-quality data that can be automatically matched to POs and processed without human intervention.   

Invoice Capture Software fueled by Intelligent Document Processing     

Drive your efficiency up and costs down with capture software that is powered by intelligent document processing. With Serrala, you can capture suppliers invoices on a 24x7 basis from a central inbox. Our automated invoice capture software performs document classification and document preprocessing for multiple formats in an instant, and the entire process is closely monitored by the Serrala Managed Automation team to ensure you achieve the fastest and most accurate data capture possible.  

Our AI-powered solution is self-learning and comprehends a wide range of document layouts and languages, improving the quality of the extracted data over time. It does not require extensive document training which is typical with OCR-based capture solutions. It can also dynamically detect whenever a supplier changes the layout or format of an invoice and automatically proposes new data mappings based on the supplier history. The intelligently automated capture process saves your AP team significant time and effort when handling invoices and keeps your AP processes flowing smoothly. Once extraction is complete, the invoice information goes through an in-depth validation process which enables your Serrala solution to either auto-post the invoice or route it for further processing as necessary.  

This new approach to automated invoice capture eliminates the need to manually scan and enter invoices and can help organizations move towards a centralized and standardized global invoice capture process. It effortlessly processes highly structured e-invoice formats, so you can stay up to date with the latest compliance requirements wherever you do business. The fast and accurate invoice capture software provides complete visibility into your incoming invoices so you can accelerate invoice processing and manage your global liabilities and outbound cash flows.  

Choosing to use this automated invoice capture solution removes technical and functional complexity from the accounts payable process. You do not have to set up a myriad of interfaces to upload and download information to the cloud. The cloud-based capture solution scales easily to process extremely large volumes of invoices. It also simplifies invoice capture activities across your global business units and vendors. Wherever your business or vendors are located, the information from incoming invoices is automatically captured, interpreted, converted and enriched before it is sent for further AP processing or posted in your ERP system. 

Our AI-powered capture solution is an invoice data capture software that enables you to take full advantage of the cloud: no complex and costly on-premise hardware, no time-consuming training of capture software, faster time to market, and highly scalable to meet rapidly changing business needs. 

Request a demo now 

Calculate Your AP Automation ROI

Achieve your organization’s specific automation goals and save time and money with our AP automation calculator. See the potential savings that can be achieved by implementing our solution, which efficiently captures, validates, and processes vendor invoices, and start building your AP Automation ROI analysis today! 


Why you should choose AI-powered Invoice Capture Software


Save time and costs

No complex and costly on-premise hardware or software required.

Flexible and scalable

Quickly onboard new business units and vendors and handle large invoices volume.

Increase Capture Accuracy

Intelligent Document Processing technology accurately extracts information in multiple formats and languages.

Real-time visibility

Cloud solution provides real-time visibility into global invoices and pending payments.

Still have questions?

Serrala optimizes the Universe of Payments 
for organizations that seek efficient cash visibility and secure financial processes.

Key Features of Serrala Invoice Capture Software

Accurate information extraction

Automatically capture, extract and interpret, convert and enrich invoice information in the cloud before forwarding it to your ERP systems.

Automated invoice capture

Capture and process invoices, automatically with a cloud-solution that operates on a 24x7 basis.

Highly Scalable

Scale the service to handle increasing invoice volumes and your growing business needs.

Payables as a Service

Always up to date solution is secure and provides flexible hosting locations for invoice information.


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