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Case Study - Sun Chemical

Keeping Cash Coming in Swiftly

Sun Chemical, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of printing inks, discusses the benefits of global inbound cash automation. In this panel discussion with Riz Ahmed of SAPinsider and Erin Carter of Sun Chemical, find out how process automation has proven to be particularly helpful in the current crisis, as the treasury operations team works from home offices, instead of the corporate shared services center. Despite these changes, the accounts receivable team has been able to achieve high automatic posting rates (e.g. 97% for bank statements) and manage large posting volumes. The team’s effortless transition to a home-based work environment was made possible with the fully SAP-embedded Serrala solution FS² AutoBank which accelerates the cash application process.

The solution has helped the team avoid disruptions to their day-to-day work, enabling Sun Chemical to keep cash coming in swiftly.

Watch the recording of the session for real-world insights into how Sun Chemical has been able to ensure fast inbound cash flow processes and reduce time and costs through automating their cash application processes.
