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Technology Manufacturer and Retailer

Success Story


  • Archived more than 250 TB data
  • Improved system performance
  • Compliant with data privacy and security regulations
  • Improved response time for internal and external audits

Business Need

A world-renowned manufacturer and retailer of revolutionary consumer electronics needed data strategies that would enable them to manage its explosive online retail growth while keeping customer data secure and available for reporting and audit requests. With 25 Billion transactions per year, the company’s existing infrastructure could not support the volume of data and system performance, stability, and functionality were being negatively impacted. The data volume also posed a significant risk, because the company was responsible for keeping the data secure for long periods to support tax and data privacy audits.

To manage its enormous volumes of data, the company needed a comprehensive data volume management strategy that would enable it to:

  • Move static and business complete data out of production systems into archive storage
  • Scale to support potential future data growth
  • Support analysis with fast, flexible access to historic sales data
  • Secure legacy data according to current legal requirements
  • Enforce data retention policies for fiscal and consumer data
  • Enable fast response to audit inquiries

Due to the volume of data, the company needed an aggressive archiving strategy to keep production systems running at optimal levels. In addition, new privacy regulations required the company to go back through historical, archived data and ensure that it met current consumer data privacy standards.


Serrala provided the company with data strategies that would 1) help it meet current demands and scale to meet future growth and 2) stay compliant with retention and audit requirements. Key capabilities include:

  • Implementation of Standard SAP Archiving Objects with PBS Archive Add On modules for seamless access
  • PBS Nearline storage for fast access to archived sales data used in analysis
  • Serrala solutions for encrypting production and archive data, enforcing corporate retention policies
  • TJC Audit Extraction Cockpit (AEC) for flexible audit reporting

Serrala also helped the company set up an aggressive archiving strategy and a hybrid storage model, moving frequently accessed sales data to nearline storage for additional compression and fast access. Data security and encryption solutons were implemented to protect sensitive customer data and added audit tools to facilitate responding to fiscal and legal requirements.


The company has been working with the Serrala for almost 10 years to keep their data growth under control. To date the company has realized the following benefits:

  • Archived more than 250 TB data
  • Improved system performance
  • Compliant with data privacy and security regulations
  • Improved response time for internal and external audits

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