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Calculating AP Automation Savings - A Step-by-Step Guide

Discover the Time and Cost Savings You Can Achieve with Digital Transformation in Accounts Payable 

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Accounts Payables tops the list as the most time-consuming, laborious, and paper-intensive finance process in finance. Investing in digital transformation can help organizations address their current process challenges and meet important strategic goals, including: 

  • High Processing Costs 
  • Increasing Invoice Volumes  
  • Lengthy Processing Times 
  • Data Accuracy 
  • Achieving End-to-End Visibility  
  • Global Compliance 
  • Controlling Cash Flows 

Our eBook presents the latest industry and Serrala research on AP process performance and illustrates, step-by-step, how you can apply those industry metrics to your business to determine the possible value of automation for your business.  

Download the Ebook to discover how to achieve time savings that will directly impact your bottom line and improve the overall productivity and satisfaction of your AP process stakeholders: accounts payable analysts, buyers and vendors.  Use the Ebook in conjunction with the Serrala AP Automation Savings Calculator to build out an AP return on investment (ROI) analysis that can be used as a catalyst to drive your next accounts payable digital transformation initiative.  


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